Joaklin Raphael
Office: MARC 2nd Floor
Phone: 305-348-7955
Email: Jraphael@fiu.edu
What do you love most about FIU and your involvement here?
FIU is FAMILY! The University helped me find my true potential as a student and a working professional. I’ve grown in understanding who I am.
What advice would you give to a potential donor who is considering investing in FIU?
What does family mean to you? For me it’s everything! Once you get involved with FIU you’re not considered a donor; you’re a part of the FIU Family! Your generous gift to FIU ensures students will receive the special opportunities and additional financial assistance they need and deserve. Generous donors make possible many wonderful programs, scholarships, and day-to-day support for our hard-working students. Annual giving allows the University to create, maintain, and augment the unique academic and caring environment that makes FIU a great place to work and to earn an education.
Why do you think giving back is important to the advancement of FIU and its students?
Giving back gives students the opportunity to reach his or her full potential. For today’s students going to college may not be an option because of financial difficulties. By giving back to FIU you value the payoff of investing in an educational institution that prepares students for the next generations’ challenges.