Linda Curiel-Menage
Phone: 305-348-7952 / 404-643-0077
Email: lcuriel@fiu.edu
What do you love most about FIU and your involvement here?
I love the opportunities FIU provides its students as a leading urban public research university situated in the gateway to the Americas. There’s no other place quite like FIU, and its model for student success and its commitment to serving the diverse population of South Florida and beyond will be the model all higher education institutions will adopt in the future.
What advice would you give to a potential donor who is considering investing in FIU?
When a donor invests in FIU it is an investment not only in the local Miami community, but one that supports research with life-changing implications across the globe. Come visit our campus, and meet our researchers, faculty and students to see first-hand how your gift will make a positive impact.
Why do you think giving back is important to the advancement of FIU and its students?
Giving to FIU today creates the future our international community envisions for tomorrow. The students, faculty and researchers who benefit from your gifts will create ripples of positive change for decades to come – such as making homes better able to withstand storms, training NASA astronauts in the depths of the ocean, or creating new techniques that can deliver life-saving drugs to the brain.