Olema Leon Gonzalez
What do you love most about FIU and your involvement here?
FIU is a great institution with many successful partnerships in the community. The environment is exquisite and the mission is what drives me to be better every day.
What advice would you give to a potential donor who is considering investing in FIU?
Investing in a higher education that provides support to the community is a very rewarding action. There are several programs that help people to achieve their educational goals and contributing to that only brings satisfaction.
Why do you think giving back is important to the advancement of FIU and its students?
Giving back to FIU is the best way to show gratefulness for what education did for you. You are where you are because of the quality of the education you received. The best way to show appreciation for this is by supporting what helped you to be great, and that’s FIU.