Tina M. Vidal-Duart '02, MIB '04

Tina M. Vidal-Duart '02, MIB '04

CDR Health, Inc., CEO

CDR Maguire, Inc., Executive Vice President


Ms. Vidal-Duart has 14+ years of experience in the healthcare industry, most recently as the contracted Chief Executive Officer of the State of Florida COVID-19 Infectious Disease Field Hospital System where she oversaw the management and deployment of the State’s field hospitals and its healthcare and administrative support personnel. In this role, she managed a system of administrative and clinical personnel, recruited, and staffed clinical and support functions, oversaw the development, and deployed of SOPs and infectious disease protocols, assisted in the management of multiple contractors, served as an interagency coordinator between multiple agencies and regulating bodies, and helped secure various medical supplies and personal protection equipment for the facilities. After the hospitals were demobilized, Vidal-Duart assisted CDR’s COVID-19 test site logistics team to deploy a call center, launch a patient portal, and develop a turnkey software solution from patient registration through result delivery and develop and launch a proprietary vaccination data management system.

Ms. Vidal-Duart currently serves as the Executive Vice President of CDR Maguire, Inc., providing administrative and operational oversight and leadership to the 80-year-old engineering and emergency management consulting firm which serves multiple state and local governments. She has a Master’s in International Business, summa cum laude, and a Bachelor of International Business and Marketing, magna cum laude.